Massage For Pain

A leading certified massage therapist in the Pittsburgh area.

Massage has gained popularity in recent years as increasing numbers of people are seeking alternative care. The many health benefits of massage therapy can be used as part of a multi-disciplinary treatment plan. Surveys commissioned by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) show that more people each year seek massage for health reasons and more physicians are recommending massage to their patients.

When muscles are overused, the tissues of the body bind and adhere to other tissues, like nerves. These tissues need to move freely in order to function properly. Instead, this creates adhesions that cause shorter and weaker muscles, tendonitis, or entrapped nerves. Other causes that can lead to tense or weak muscles include:

  • Improper posture
  • Faulty biomechanics
  • Compensation for earlier injuries
  • Muscle strain
  • Ligament sprain

There is strong evidence massage is effective for nonspecific chronic low back pain. Massage is beneficial for patients in terms of improving symptoms and function. High-quality regular massage can:

  • Relieve pain through physical and mental relaxation
  • Increase local blood flow and oxygenation in muscles
  • Increase your pain threshold through the release of endorphins and serotonin
  • Improve muscle flexibility
  • Loosen adherent connective tissue

Although massage therapy may appear costly, it may save money by reducing health-care provider visits, use of pain medications, and costs of treatments. The effects of massage improve when combined with exercise and a good diet, especially if your massage is done by a licensed therapist.